Monmouth College

Table of Contents


  1. 360 Panoramas

    1. Center for Science & Business: South Entryway Interior

      Here in the front lobby of the Center for Science and Business, displays tell the story of the exceptional history of Monmouth College. This starts with a commitment, from the very beginning, to admitting female students into the programs of the college. Also shown are alumni such as the former CEO and chairman of Ford Motor Company returning to Monmouth College to speak to students.
      Whether your major is one of the sciences, mathematics, economics, accounting, international business or general business, within the halls of this building you will have the opportunity to integrate an appreciation for both the science and business aspect of your field and therefore stand out from others seeking employment after graduation. Rotating the picture to the right will show the entrance to the Biology Wing which contains many laboratories including, a greenhouse, a nutrition lab, and a cadaver lab. In addition to these fine facilities, the college also maintains numerous outdoor laboratories in the area including stands of native prairie grasses, ponds, streams, and woodlands plus a market farm. Students interested in studying nursing also have access to one of the finest cooperative programs in the country. 

      By rotating the picture to the left, the entrance into the Haywood Business Wing can be seen – it is our next stop on this tour.